Mark Jaccard

Mark Jaccard

Chair and Chief Executive Officer

Yolanda Domnigo

Yolanda Domingo

Chief Operating Officer

Kristine Bienert

Kristine Bienert

Executive Director,
Compliance and Reliability

Nicola Simon

Nicola Simon

Executive Director,
Capital and Operations

The BCUC’s Executive Leadership Team is led by the Chair and Chief Executive Officer (CEO), who is appointed by the BC government for a defined term. This role functions as both the lead Commissioner and as the Chief Executive. The Chair and CEO is responsible for managing Commissioners and establishing the organization’s vision, direction, and strategy in carrying out the BCUC’s legislated mandate.

The Chief Operating Officer (COO) is responsible for the efficient and effective management of BCUC operations and provides executive leadership to all staff in operational and regulatory teams. The COO is supported by the Executive Director of Compliance and Reliability and the Executive Director of Capital and Operations. Together, they are responsible for ensuring the quality and timeliness of the BCUC’s work, as well as assigning staff members to support hearings, customer complaints, regulatory review processes, and inquiries.

The Executive Leadership team is supported by a team of Directors, Senior Managers, and staff throughout the organization.