The BCUC belongs to, actively participates in, and follows several organizations and associations.

While the BCUC’s work is focused on British Columbia, we create and foster connections with fellow regulators in Canada, North America, and around the world. The BCUC values sharing best practices with our global colleagues to learn from fellow regulators and keep up to date with changes in regulatory oversight.

These groups, listed below, contribute to the development of the energy and automobile regulation sector. The BCUC also has Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) to capture our relationship with additional organizations.

Key Partnerships

Access to Justice, Triple Aim

The BCUC is a member of Access to Justice, Triple Aim, which is a collaboration of individuals and organizations committed to improving access to justice in British Columbia.

BC Council of Administrative Tribunals

This volunteer association is a membership-based organization that supports the administrative justice community. They enhance the knowledge and specialized skills of tribunal and regulatory board professionals. The BCUC serves on the Board and several committees.

CAMPUT: Canada’s Energy and Utility Regulators

CAMPUT is a non-profit made up of Canadian federal, provincial, and territorial regulatory boards and commissions, who are responsible for the regulation of the electric, water, gas, and pipeline utilities in Canada. CAMPUT seeks to improve public utility regulation and the education and training of commissioners and staff of public utility tribunals.

The BCUC serves on several committees, guest lectures at courses and events, and helps organize conferences.

Energy Bar Association

The EBA is an international, non-profit association of attorneys, energy professionals, and students active in all areas of energy law. The BCUC serves on the Board of the Canadian chapter and helps organize key events.

NARUC: National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners

This non-profit organization represents the US state public service commissions, which regulate utilities that provide essential services such as energy, telecommunications, power, water, and transportation.

The BCUC is a member of NARUC through CAMPUT. For more information about this initiative, visit NARUC's website.

Memorandums of Understanding

In addition to the above organizations, the BCUC has memorandums of understanding (MOU) with the following groups to outline our cooperative relationship:

  • BC Environmental Assessment Office, MOU

    The EAO is a neutral regulatory agency within the BC government that manages environmental assessments. When a major project is proposed in BC, it must undergo an environmental assessment.

  • Canada Energy Regulator, MOU (English,French)

    The CER is Canada’s federal energy regulatory body. The CER works to keep energy moving safely and efficiently through Canada’s pipelines and powerlines.

  • Ministry of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation , MOU

    Formerly, the Ministry of Energy and Mines, this Ministry of the BC government is responsible for BC’s electricity, alternative energy, mining and petroleum resource sectors and supports work to meet BC’s greenhouse gas reduction targets.

  • North American Electric Reliability Corporation , MOU

    NERC is a not-for-profit international regulatory authority whose mission is to assure the effective and efficient reduction of risks to the reliability and security of the grid. They recently conducted an assessment of the 2021 bulk power system performance in their 2022 State of Reliability Report.

  • Technical Safety BC , MOU

    This independent, self-funded organization oversees the safe installation and operation of technical systems and equipment across BC. They issue permits, licences, certifications, and work with industry to reduce safety risks.

  • Western Electricity Coordinating Council , MOU

    WECC exists to assure a reliable Bulk Electric System in the geographic area known as the Western Interconnection.

Industry Events

The BCUC fosters continuing education and engagement through industry events. To learn more about upcoming events where you can find the BCUC, please contact us.

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