The BCUC facilitates fair, transparent, and inclusive review processes that include opportunities for feedback and input from the public.

Request Intervener Status

We encourage individuals, organizations, and groups to participate in our processes in a variety of ways, one of which is by requesting Intervener status.

Interveners participate actively, responsibly, and respectfully for the duration of a proceeding. They participate by submitting questions and submissions, taking part in oral hearings, and/or filing evidence on matters that are within the scope of the proceeding. Interveners must submit documents in accordance with a regulatory timetable and are not permitted to submit Letters of Comment.

Interveners participate actively, responsibly, and respectfully for the duration of a proceeding. They participate by submitting questions and submissions, taking part in oral hearings, and/or filing evidence on matters that are within the scope of the proceeding. Interveners must submit documents in accordance with a regulatory timetable and are not permitted to submit Letters of Comment.

Interveners provide valuable input to the BCUC and help ensure various perspectives are represented in the BCUC’s proceedings. For a list of groups that commonly intervene in BCUC proceedings, see our Interveners fact sheet.

As a potential intervener, you must demonstrate that you, or the people you represent, are directly affected by a BCUC proceeding. Or you have the experience, information, or expertise related to a BCUC proceeding that would help the BCUC in its review and/or decision on a particular matter.

To become an intervener, you must complete the form below. In accordance with the BCUC's Rules of Practice and Procedure, the form must be received by the BCUC by the deadline included in the proceeding’s regulatory timetable. Requests to Intervene are reviewed by a BCUC proceeding panel, who are responsible for granting or denying intervener status.

Participant contact information

Organization representative contact information

Reasons for Intervening

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1500 characters remaining.

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(Read the PCA Rules in Section VI of the BCUC's Rules of Practice and Procedure)

If you would like to attach additional documents, please upload them here. (The following document types are accepted: .doc, .docx, .pdf, .ppt, .pptx, .xls, .xlsx)

Maximum total file size limit: 10mb

Persons requesting Intervener status who are organizations (not BCUC regulated entities), must also submit an informational document annually that includes:

  • a description of the organization’s mandate and objectives;
  • a description of its membership, including the membership processes if any, and the constituency it represents;
  • the types of programs and/or activities it carries out;
  • the identities of any authorized representatives and addresses; and
  • any other information the BCUC may request.

The BCUC is authorized to collect and publish a person or organization's personal information when they participate in a matter before the BCUC under Sections 26, 33 and 33.3 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA). Subject to FIPPA, all documents filed in respect to an application will be placed on the public record.

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Understand Our Process

At the BCUC, we review applications through open public proceedings. Learn more about our review process and where you can take participate in the process.

Learn more