We ensure customers have access to safe, reliable energy services at just and reasonable rates, while allowing the utility the opportunity to earn a fair return on its investment. Visit our entity map to see a list of energy utilities we regulate and their business details.
The BCUC regulates public energy utilities within its jurisdiction by:
The BCUC must review and approve public utility rates before they can be lawfully charged to customers. More information about the BCUC's role can be found in our Setting Utility Rates fact sheet.
Utility rates are reviewed and approved by the BCUC and must include an opportunity for the utility to earn a fair return. The BCUC determines a fair return for its regulated utilities through cost of capital proceedings, which take place every few years. The most recent cost of capital proceeding took place in 2023 (Stage 1) and 2024 (Stage 2).
A public utility may require approval from the BCUC before building, enhancing, or operating a plant, system, or extension by applying for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (CPCN). In the review of these projects, the BCUC considers whether the project is needed and that the project is in the public interest.
Public utilities must file their contracts to purchase energy from a third party to the BCUC for our acceptance. If the BCUC determines that the energy supply contract is in the public interest, the contract may be accepted for filing without a hearing. If the BCUC initially determines that the contract may not be in the public interest, the BCUC initiates a public hearing process.
The BCUC keeps informed about the activities of public utilities for the safety and convenience of the public. We do this by monitoring changes to their capital structure, sales and purchases of properties or resources, building of infrastructure, and equipment they use. We also ensure public utilities are in compliance with BCUC orders and directions and legislation or regulations.
Persons or organizations in BC who own or operate equipment or facilities for the production, generation, storage, transmission, sale, delivery or provision of energy for compensation to light, heat, cool or power to your home or business.
Public utilities deliver energy to your home or business. They generally produce, store and/or transmit energy. They also deal with a power outage or emergency, and read your meters.
Learn more by reading our What is Energy Utility Regulation Fact Sheet.
The BCUC conducts public, open, and transparent review processes of the applications it receives from regulated energy utilities. To see open and closed energy utility proceedings, please see our Proceedings page. For a list of the BCUC’s decisions on energy utility applications, please visit our Orders and Decisions page.
We invite the public to participate in our proceedings by requesting Intervener status, submitting Letters of Comment, or subscribing to a proceeding.
Get InvolvedWe handle complaints and inquiries about the utilities we regulate. To file a complaint about a regulated energy utility, please see our Complaint Process.
File a Utility Complaint