The BCUC facilitates fair, transparent, and inclusive review processes that include feedback and input from the public.

Submit a Letter of Comment

We encourage individuals, organizations, and groups to participate in our processes by submitting a Letter of Comment. Fill out the form below to share your views, opinions, and insights about an application or matter under review by the BCUC. The BCUC panel reviews Letters of Comment before making its final decision.

A Letter of Comment becomes part of the public evidentiary record and is posted to the proceeding page on our website, along with the author’s name. This is in accordance with the BCUC’s Rules of Practice and Procedure. All personal contact information provided on this page, aside from the author’s name, is removed before posting to our website.

If the proceeding you are looking for is not in the above list or you require any other assistance, please contact the BCUC’s Commission Secretary at:
Please specify the reasons for your interest in the proceeding, your views concerning the proceeding, any relevant information that supports or explains your views, the conclusion you support and any recommendations. The BCUC may disallow comments that do not comply with the Rules of Practice and Procedure.
If you would like to attach additional documents, please upload them here. (The following document types are accepted: .doc, .docx, .pdf, .ppt, .pptx, .xls, .xlsx)

Maximum total file size limit: 10mb

By clicking submit, you consent to the BCUC publicly posting your letter and name on our website.

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Privacy Policy

The BCUC is authorized to collect and publish a person or organization's personal information when they participate in a matter before the BCUC under Sections 26, 33 and 33.3 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA). Subject to FIPPA, all documents filed in respect to an application will be placed on the public record.

Use of Personal Information

If you have any questions regarding our collection and/or disclosure of personal information, please get in touch.

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